24rs left to preorder meal kits. Please check this list.

7 May 2023 by James Lambert (Head Coach)

Here is the list of order as of 2:30 Sunday afternoon.
We have 35 individual orders for a total of 42 meal kits.
If you know someone who ordered and you do not see their name here please give them a call.
A huge thanks to the Players and Parents who helped out.
Players, if you have not sold 1 please reach out to a family member. We have about half of the players participate.
Here is the link:

James Lambert 503-957-3386 Meat Sause 2 Meal Kit @ $100.00 All of them

Ayra berg 3602241389 Meat Sause 2 Meal Kits @ $100.00 Both meat Allium and zinnia

Norman Yoshida 503-309-7429 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Coach Lambert

Missy Wanaka 5035771568 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Mia Smith

Regina Curvin 15037543044 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Niah Smith

Jen Sinclair 5033177647 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Mikayla

Ken Chung 206-414-9946 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Tina Padilla

DAVID BROWNLEE 9715001065 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 KAYLA SINCLAIR

Cindy Arnold 9719982560 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Alison Arnold

Amy Teixeira 9712821438 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 All the girls and coaches – we love this team!

Courtney Galyon 5033498287 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 1 meat N/A- All

Treasa Lomac 9712218281 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Abi Blanchard

Terri Eberhart 3214034507 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Mia Eberhart

Shay McDonald 971-724-5623 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Ella McDonald

Ben Klash 971 404 8598 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Ella McDonald, Addy Riedel

Hannah Linth 5937069100 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Mia Eberhart

Tanya Merrikk 503-804-2172 Meat Sause 2 Meal Kits @ $100.00 Both meat sauce Zandra Medina

Jennifer Frotton 5033121837 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 All Beaverton HS Softball players!

Kim Bickford 503-421-9546 Meat Sause 2 Meal Kits @ $100.00 James’ awesome coaching

JJ Compton 5037079538 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Quincey Compton

Christian Ortiz (951)858-1781 Veggie Marinara Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Addy Riedel

Anna Riedel 5037583065 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Addy Hot Batty

Johanna Kennelly Ullman 5035442972 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Addy Riedel

Tiffany Jeffords 5034498019 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Quincey Compton

Shelli Kime 503-358-6867 Veggie Marinara Sause 2 Meal Kits @ $100.00 Both veggie please All of them! Go Beavs!

Tara Blair 9715706380 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Addy Riedel

Laura Dickson 5037068857 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 All of them

Elsa 5037107879 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Addison Riedel

Peggy Clark 5037205282 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Ella McDonald

Eleissa Buddress 5033073350 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Colette Hooper and the sisters Berg

Telia Rusin 503-753-3997 Meat Sause 5 Meal Kits @ $250.00 All Meat Amy Rusin

Bob Hammond 3214034507 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Mia Eberhart

Daphne Lee 9712353881 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 Colette Hooper

Alexander Japport 5037589858 Meat Sause 1 Meal Kit @ $50.00 1 Veggie, 3 Meat Quincey Compton

Comments 2
