End of the year events, Senior Night Tuesday, Potluck Wednesday.

10 May 2023 by James Lambert (Head Coach)

Here we are at the end of the season.
This Friday the 12th after our Jesuit games we will all be going over to Coach Rich business to pack our meal kits.
The following day Saturday the 13th from Noon to 2pm we will be handing them out.
Tuesday the 16th is a Varsity 4:00pm home game vs Lincoln High School and our Senior Night. This is a Mandatory day for all JV Players even though you do not have a game that day. Senior night events will start at 3:40pm and we will have Mike Blok our AD throw out the first pitch. Lets celebrate our 5 seniors and send them off with a bang!!!!
Wednesday the 17th will be our last game of the season and we will have our annual potluck after . Coach Rich, Josh and I will provide the Hotdogs and Hamburgers, but its up to you all to bring the sides. Here is a link to sign up: Who has the best Mac & Cheese, Potato Salad or Hawaiian Mac Salad (Rich doesn’t like peas in his, but I do)

We will have our end of the year banquet in a week or two after the season, as well as a clean up day, with a uniform/equipment return at the field. This date is TBD as I have surgery on the 19th.

Let me know if you have any questions,

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